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Find your unique way to becoming visible as a creative. Strengthen your personality and build confidence by creating a personal brand foundation.

Are you blocking yourself from becoming visible as a creative?

Finding your voice beyond social media

Not gonna lie, it's easy to become overwhelmed as a creative – especially today, where there's so much competition through social media and the internet. Comparing ourselves as creatives in this ever growing market is exhausting. So why even start? And how do we develop a style and find our own voice if we're influenced by fancy Instagram artists, who seem more charismatic, more creative and deliver stunning work on a daily basis? Nowadays it seems like our popularity as creatives is defined by followers and likes. Social media holds so much potential and pressure at the same time. 

I believe, there are other ways besides burning out in creative agencies or chasing after followers. Your creative life should be built around your personality, values and ilfestyle. You don't have to become Insta-famous to live your creativity and make money with it. I developed this mentorship program to empower you in finding your own way and your unique expression based on your identity, personality, vision and values.

The mentoring is for you, if you ...

  • are or striving to be a creative freelancer, entrepreneur or artist 

  • need clarity and direction

  • are looking for a strong positioning based on your personality, life and circumstances

  • want to become more visible and recognizable

  • want a confidence boost 

What you get:

  • a digital, personalized worksheet 

  • an individualized mbti personality analysis based on Myers-Briggs

  • 3 sessions á 90 min with a different focus

  • review of your work with honest feedback

  • a safe space where you can show up as you are with all your fears

  • your personal creative cheerleader

»Fitting in is about assessing a situation and becoming who you need to be to be accepted. Belonging, on the other hand, doesn't require us to change who we are; it requires us to be who we are.«

Brené Brown


The creative struggle

»Not enough« used to be the mantra, that kept me from creating and blocked me so much that I would sit hours in front of my laptop going blank, unable to create anything.

I struggled to find my place in a male dominated industry as a woman. I struggled in a white dominated industry as a person of color. I struggled in a performance oriented advertising industry as a highly sensitive neurodivergent person. I know the feeling of not fitting in. And never feeling enough.

Today I know, that it just wasn't the right place for me. And i became more and more confident, because i discovered what was truly unique about me as a creative including my flaws. My work is highly influenced by my culture and my neurodivergence. It’s made it more challenging to thrive – not gonna lie. But it’s made my work truly unique. Discovering who i am made me redefine success and forced me to create  an environment and approach, that work for me.


This world needs your
unique creative gift.

Your creativity is your personality, your story, your approach.

Let’s find your place as a creative. Through finding out, who you are. Through finding your essence and building a personal branding, that’s representing you. Because a strong core is what will give you the strength and confidence you need in the creative field. And to know your worth – despite of all your imperfections as a creative. (or maybe because of?)

Let’s kill perfectionism together and make you stand out and belong.




Session 1

Your story

We discover what has shaped you and your work: your roots, your upbringing and culture. We explore, how your story has influenced your work or how it can inspire what's to come.

Session 3

Your work

We deep dive into your creative work and take a look, how you can redefine and improve your style. We find commonalities and set a focus.

Session 2

Your personality

Through the mbti 16 personalities test we assess your personality and see how you work. We define your values and see, what's truly important to you.

Launch price

499 €

»The identity mentoring with you gave me so much clarity and new impulses. Thank you so much for pushing me gently to prioritize and be more straight with my decisions. It helped me especially to finally phrase my vision and find the courage to bring focus into my creative work. I love your clear and empathetic approach. Your ability to break things down to the point and always bringing me back to feeling was exactly what I needed.«

Maria Lilli, author

Let's get on a free call!

Thanks for submitting!


Hey, I'm Putu Paulina Merta

I'm a German-balinese Designer, Art Director and Creative Mentor with 10 years of experience in the creative field.

I’ve studied communication design, worked in advertising for 3+ years (for brands like Mercedes-Benz, smart, Douglas and more) and have been a freelancer with my own studio since 4+ years (clients like Laura Malina Seiler, Rowohlt Verlag, Funke Mediengruppe, Grownect, Digimojo). I’ve built my creative remote business from one client and 30€ per hour to a running remote studio having worked with over 70 clients, doing 6-figure projects and hiring other freelancers to work with me. I’ve directed e.g. the I AM magazine, designed the bestselling book »Zurück zu mir« and many more. I've built an online-programm for female entrepreneurs named SHECAN and launched an online-course about Symbolic logodesign.

I’ve built a business, that’s not only giving me the freedom to work when, where and with whom I want, but  that’s also supporting my mental health. Through my experience with personal brands and creating visual identities, I’ve developed my own strategy for defining (visual) identities and was able to find a way how to cope with this fast evolving world and my messy-but-original brain. I’ve struggled many years in the creative industry and as a freelance creative to find my path. What helped me were my mentors along the way and that's why i'd like to be that motivating and guiding force for someone else.
My mission is to make creatives visible in their uniqueness and boost their confidence. Because I believe, creativity is what’s truly needed to make a change.

This world needs your
unique creative gift.

What’s different about you, is what makes you unique. What makes you unique is how you truly connect with your work, your clients and life in general to create from a place of authenticity.
Instead of focusing on your blind spots – let’s find your sweet spot together!

I'm super thrilled to work with you!

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